Train the Trainer Courses

An IDPH-approved Train the Trainer Course is required for RN instructors with an Associate’s Degree.  It is not required for RN instructors with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing or higher IF employed at an approved BNATP.

Program coordinators may request any individual instructor to attend a Train the Trainer Course at their discretion.

Click on the following link to view the Instructor Requirements which must be met:

Email questions pertaining to these requirements and an RN’s eligibility for approval as a BNATP instructor to Randy Carey-Walden, IDPH Public Service Administrator, at or call 217-785-5569.

For more information related to the Illinois BNATP, see the Illinois Nurse Aide Testing website at


Site Name:        Joliet Junior College (JJC)
Site Address:     1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet, IL 60431
Course Date:     March 17 – April 18, 2025
Course Time:     Asynchronous

Course Format:  Online, no face-to-face requirement

This course consists of 5 weeks of online instruction with students completing readings, discussion postings and assignments. Instructor is available by email/phone. Creating effective learning objectives, test items & lesson plan are just the beginning! Educational techniques for a variety of students will be explored. This course is approved by IDPH. RNs must meet IDPH eligibility requirements. Email with questions.

Required texts:

  1. DeYoung, S. (2015) Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators (3rd). Pearson Education, Inc.: Upper Saddle River, N.J. ISBN-13: 978-0133565232. Purchase prior to class from any online book source. Reading prior to course start date is encouraged.
  2. Access to ANY current nursing assistant textbook, publisher of student’s choice.

Registration: Call JJC @ 815-280-1555, Class# HC 130-W01.

For questions about course registration, contact Linda Saveas @
For questions about course content, contact Barbara Meinke @
For questions about IDPH instructor requirements, contact

Course Cost: $599 tuition + textbook

This course is awarded 50 contact hours.
